Let's talk Data
As technology continues to advance and at a rapid pace, Data continues to be at the center of every decision that we make. As such it is important that we have quality data to base our decisions from. This is why I am here to offer you Data Management serivces that ensure data quality in your area of expertise.
Information Systems Development
The goal is to make sure that you have a high quality functional information system that simplifies your work and helps you make well informed decisions.
Data Management
From creating both paper and electronic data collection tools, collection of data in the field, managing the data in a secure database system to analysing the data to get the insight you are looking for.
Data - Trainings
Do you have a team that needs lessons in; data collection, creating data collection tools, managing data, analysing data or even how to use a computer? If yes, let me know.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Gone are the days when projects were running without M & E personnel on board. Donors also want to see that the projects they are funding are result based managed, monitored and evaluated.